Film line
Film line

Welcome to the BRAND SPANKING NEW website for Cat cat Productions!

Check the links above to navigate to the websites for our movies and to find links to watch them on Youtube!

Website Update Log

08/29/24 - Created a new page in "Everything else" for our short film Clone Hunt originally released in 2020. Also added some sick MIDI music to The Brat Snack page.

07/24/24 - I've updated the look of the Brat Snack page which can be found in "Narrative Films"! I think it looks cool. The only thing still missing is Blair's Journal (I know I've been promising it for a while)—I just need to get a good photo of it so I can add it to the gallery. Stay tuned for more film festival updates too as we await news from a few more festivals.

07/10/24 - Cleaned up links and made some changes in "Guest Book & Links" as well as revised the "About" page a bit. Really hoping I can get to some "Brat Snack" page changes I've been meaning to get to this year!

10/20/23 - Landing page has been slightly revamped! The "Brat Snack" site has had an update with images of Guy's Spice Rack. Blair's Journal coming soon! Festival news!

8/20/22 - The Brat Snack movie has been released! Go check it out in the "Narrative Films" section. We also added some cool stuff like the soundtrack, the script, an inspiration corner, and a production history on The Brat Snack website which you can find in the "Narrative Films" section as well!

8/6/22 - Adding updates to our website for our latest movie premiere of The Brat Snack. Check back for more stuff added to the official Brat Snack website (found on our "Narrative Films" page), like a trailer and the official youtube video link of the film premiering on August 20th!

2/25/21 - Updated a few more fellow neocities friend's buttons to our links page. Also added some stuff to our landing page. We are excited to be a landmark site on Neocities Neighborhoods! So exciting. We are also considering making more changes to the landing page, but we'll see. Can't wait to have more time to finish our latest Cat cat movie and add it to the site!

12/31/20 - Added some fellow neocities friend's buttons and helpful links to our Guestbook page (which only used to link to our guestbook). It's a lot more useful now, we reckon. We also added our personal website links to the "about" page and added a JAUP badge we are very proud of!

10/1/20 - Today we are happy to share our website with everyone we know! There is still some work to be done, but pretty much everything is up and running. We hope you like it and come back later while we continue to add more content!

9/27/20 - Wow, almost the whole site is ready to go live! Just missing some stills and gifs for some of the pages, but that will be coming soon!

9/1/20 - Our first short film HOnTed DOG, now has it's own page found on the "Narrative Films" section! It's still under construction (haha never gets old) and was heavily inspired by the design of the original Blair Witch website :P

8/22/20 - Our first film Die-ing Pan now has a page (for the trailer) on the navigation top bar and Apple Die has a still-under-construction website found in Narrative Films.

8/9/20 - Rough versions of the Salmonrai and U.PH.O. website are up! You can find them in the "Narrative Films" page. It goes without saying, these bad boys are under constructions still. Can't wait to add more content to them.

8/7/20 - Rough versions of the Brat Snack and Yeehawbanero website are up! You can find them in the "Narrative Films" page. We are gradually building everything. Casey is working on all the behind the scenes and "making of" history for each film. It's going to be rad! Can't wait for the official launch in a few months!

6/16/20 - All tabs above functioning and linked to respective youtube videos! Now to dig into creating and linking to the meat of each section with: info, stills, posters, etc. It's going to be fun!

6/13/20 - Almost every tab has something you can click on now, even "About." Just gotta tackle the "Everything else" section now!

6/8/20 - Guestbook is up (because that's the most important thing for a new website). "Holiday Films" has only been started! Check out "Yummers Gifs"!

6/2/20 - The Site is up (try clicking on "Our Films"), but pretty much everything else doesn't work...OOPSIE! Stay tuned for some RAD updates!

The site is still under construction, but feel free to click around for some really cool stuff.